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Rules are valid from January 1, 2021

Manuscripts must be submitted in digital format (e-mail, USB disc or CD). They must be written using commonly used word-processing software and in accordance with the current Czech or Slovak orthography or US English orthography consistently throughout. Tables, graphs and captions for images are published in English. Manuscripts submitted to the editors must be the final version with the final wording. Changes in the number or ordering of authors, or major changes in the text or other content (including appendices) should be carried out before the final version is submitted to the editors, and must be no later than the beginning of the peer-review process. However, even these changes can only be made with the editors’ assent. Any later changes may not be allowed by the editors. Integral to any submission are the required documents cited below.


Requirements for submitted articles

Articles submitted to the Ortodoncie journal must comply with:

  • Ethics standards for medical research
  • Rules for avoiding conflicts of interests
  • Respect for human and animal rights in medical research
  • The principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, ARRIVE principles, Directive 2010/63/EU, ...
  • Rules for providing informed consent by study subjects
  • Rules for transparent financing of research in medical disciplines
  • Originality of the article
  • Rules for authors submitting their manuscripts to the journal

The editors accept works that have not been and will not be submitted to other periodicals, are of appropriate professional standard and use proper methodology and statistics. The publication of the results of clinical and experimental studies (experiments on animals) is contingent on compliance with the relevant ethical principles, in particular those of the Declaration of Helsinki, as approved by a relevant ethics committee. Materials adopted from other sources must be accompanied by written consent by the copyright holder to reproduce them. The editorial board does not require approval of the manuscript by the author’s head of department. Authors are responsible for the scholarly standard of their work. Each manuscript is submitted to a double-blind peer review conducted by three mutually independent scholars. The reviews, alongside proposals for changes, are sent to the authors. The editors reserve the right to make the final decision on accepting and editing the manuscript for publication. Submissions may be in Czech, Slovak or English. The editors commission the translation into English of works submitted in Czech or Slovak. In order to improve the quality of such translations, the editors recommend that authors list specific English scientific terminology in an appendix. The final version of the article is always presented to the authors for approval before publication.


Submissions must include:

  • Cover page This must include the title of the paper, authors’ complete names including titles, the name and address of the institution where the paper was written, names and addresses of the institutions of all authors, job titles of all authors at their institutions, and a statement that the paper was previously published as a lecture, if that is the case. The cover letter (usually a part of the title page) must include full contact details, including telephone number and email, for the corresponding author, who will be responsible for communicating with the editors. Authors’ photographs in digital format (.jpg or .tiff) must be attached to the letter. These photographs will be published in the article heading.


  • CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) list If there is more than one author, a statement is required of what each author was responsible for in the paper (their CRediT roles), for example, the study concept, methods, software processing, statistical processing, data validation, data analysis, data visualisation, pictorial data generation, supervision of the research, administration and funding acquisition. People can be listed more than once if they had multiple roles.


  • Acknowledgements/funding Describe how the research was funded (even if from authors’ resources). This can be noted in the text of the manuscript or separately in an acknowledgements section. It should include information about persons who are not listed among the study’s authors but were involved in the research. Also cite the reference numbers of any grant projects and funds assigned. If the research was not externally funded, indicate so, e.g. “This study was not funded from grants, or public, commercial or non-profit organisation resources.”


  • The abstract Reports of experimental studies must have a structured abstract, written on a separate page, with a 15-line limit. It includes the aims of the study, methods, materials, results and conclusions. Write the abstract in the third person; do not abbreviate words. List two to five key words or phrases on a separate line (100 characters is the recommended maximum length).


  • The text For original papers that employ statistical methods, this is usually divided into following parts: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion. The structure of other reports depends on the nature of the subject matter. Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the CONSORT rules for randomised clinical trials, and the PRISMA rules for systematic reviews. Use the metric system if possible. Do not insert additional material (pictures, figures, graphs, tables etc.) into the body of the text but include them as attachments, as indicated below.


  • Literature, citations and references Citations are ordered and numbered according to the order of their occurrence in the text. The ordinal number of the citation is given in square brackets, e.g. [1]. Citations and references are then written up in the “Literature”, “Citations” or “References” section. Use the NISO Z39.29-2005 (revised in 2010) system for references. This is a citation norm recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): National Information Standards Organization NISO Z39.29-2005 (R2010) Bibliographic References, used by the US National Library of Medicine and in this organisation’s databases. Where the bibliographic reference, citation etc is part of the DOI system, then the DOI information in the reference is necessary.


  • Figures Graphs, schemes, photographs, X-ray images, etc. are included with the manuscript as discrete attachments, each as a separate file. Captions for the figures are inserted into a separate file. Mark the places in the text where the attachments are to be inserted; if necessary, the orientation of pictures should be indicated; otherwise the orientation in the file will be used. The figures must be edited so that they can be reproduced; above all, they must be legible, have sufficient resolution and be saved in an appropriate graphic format (.jpg, .png, .bmp, eps or .tiff). If possible, use formats that do not employ lossy compression of data (.eps, .tiff or .bmp). Graphs must be submitted in a graphic format including the linked data from which they were generated (MS Excel or OpenOffice). Photographs and X-ray images must have a resolution of at least 250dpi. We recommend CMYK colourspace or grayscale. If figures are adopted from other publications, this must be noted and the author’s consent attached, if required. The same applies to images which were edited after publication, if by another author or subject to copyright. Any non-linear operations with picture data are considered editing, and any such edits must be noted.


  • Non-anonymous data If photographs of patients’ faces are to be published, the subjects must agree to this (informed consent), or the editors will return the pictures to the authors to anonymise them. Formal consent to the publication of pictures of research subjects is not required if the person cannot be identified from the picture (such as an X-ray , CT or ultrasound image, as long as it does not contain elements that could identify the person). Masking the eye region or blurring of a part of the face in photographs is not considered sufficient for anonymity. Pictures may be published only if they do not allow the person to be identified. This may be achieved, for example, by cropping those parts of the face that are not relevant to the research topic, or by making more extensive edits of the images. Patients may not be described by their names, initials or any other data that could allow them to be identified, but only by ordinal numbers. Where photographs have been edited, the edits must be noted, and they must not distort or devalue the scientific meaning.


  • Tables - Tables are included with the manuscript as discrete attachments, each as a separate file (not neccessaryli). Name the files so that there is no doubt as to where they should be placed in the text (including the number of the table). The key to the table is placed above the table and explanatory notes below. Mark in the text the places where the tables are to be inserted. Tables are submitted in a TABLE format (MS Excel or OpenOffice Calc). Use the Calibri font, size 10. As a backgroudn color, use the scale of gray and blue colors. If there are graphs that are generated from tables or have links with them, send the tables and graphs together so that the data link remains; however, it must be possible to work either with the graphs or the tables separately.



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