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Valid from January 1, 2021 

Before sending the manuscript, authors must ensure ALL required items are included (below). This saves the authors’ and the editors’ time and simplifies communication. Without all the necessary documents, the manuscript will not be accepted for review and authors will be asked to supply the missing documentation.

The list is as follows:

  1. Cover page
  2. CRediT list
  3. Acknowledgements/funding
  4. Abstract, key words
  5. The text proper
  6. Literature, citations and references
  7. Attachments (tables, graphs, pictures, etc.)
  8. Statement about the origin of the work, originality and non-publication in another periodical
  9. Statement of compliance with the rules for avoiding conflicts of interest
  10. Statement that the rights of humans and animals in medical research were respected
  11. Statement of compliance with the rules of informed consent
  12. Statement of compliance with the ethical rules of the Ortodoncie journal
  13. Agreement with the transfer of the copyright to the Ortodoncie journal
  14. Copyright agreement
  15. Ethics Committee Consent
  16. Consent of third parties to the use of adopted material
  17. Consent of study subjects to the publication of their data in the article
  18. Information about data anonymisation and editing of picture materials

Items 1 to 14 are OBLIGATORY; items 15 to 18 if required by the character of the work. For items 2, 8 to 14, 16 and 17, authors can use sample forms available from the journal’s website. These forms may be amended or expanded as necessary by the specific situation – but these elements that the editors require according to the editorial rules (also available at the website) must be preserved. Points 1, 3 to 7 and 15 are created by the authors of the article.


Prepared documents for authors af articles:

  • 2 - CRediT – the role of authors and other co-workers (.doc, .pdf)
  • 8 - Authors statement about the authorship (.doc, .pdf)
  • 9 - Statement on conflict of interest (.doc, .pdf)
  • 10 - Consent to rules for the Use of animals and humans in medical studies (.doc, .pdf)
  • 11 - Consent of the author to the rules of the informed consent (.doc, .pdf)
  • 12 - Authors agreement to the ethical rules of Ortodoncie Journal (.doc, .pdf)
  • 13 - Copyright agreement (.doc, .pdf)
  • 14, 16 - Authors right and copyright (.doc, .pdf)
  • 17 - Example of patient or legal guardian consent to the publication of documentation (.doc, .pdf)




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