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Electronic edition of the Ortodoncie journal

The Ortodoncie journal is published in print and digital versions. The requirements placed on the digital edition are the same as for the print edition. The electronic version is available to all users, without any restriction. The content of the electronic version is available immediately after publication of the printed journal.

The website of the Ortodoncie journal includes all details about these requirements. It also lists the names, positions, and possible conflicts of interest of the editors, authors and contributors to the journal. The website also contains all documents and information about the journal. The Ortodoncie journal is owned by the Czech Orthodontic Society. The owner of the journal is not linked in any way with the funding and sponsorship of the articles in the journal. 

The website of the Ortodoncie journal does not allow any sponsored links to other websites. Links are normally provided free of charge, to facilitate quick access to information that the website operator considers relevant. Should there be any paid-for links, this would be clearly stated. As in the print edition of the journal, the digital version clearly separates advertising and promotional communications from the editorial content. Advertisements and commercial content are clearly identified as such.

The content of the Ortodoncie journal is not to be removed from its website or archive. If a correction or retraction becomes necessary, the explanation will be labelled appropriately and communicated as soon as possible on a referable page in a subsequent issue of the journal.

The preservation of articles in a permanent digital archive is essential for the historical record. Access to the archive is immediate and can be controlled by a third party, such as a library, instead of the publisher. Deposition in multiple archives is available (two independent media) and all the journal content is archived after any change within it.


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